Serving Our Industry, Informing our Community and Protecting our Environment
The Judge Coleman
Memorial Scholarship Program

Since its inception in 2018, each January through April the Long Island Liquid Waste Association sponsors the Judge Coleman Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive. It is both an opportunity to remember our long time friend and colleague Judge Coleman who dedicated so much of his time, efforts and talents to the progress and development of this organization until his passing in September 2017, and it is equally a chance for us to pay it forward and to encourage and support the educational endeavors of our members, their children, their employees and the dependents of those employees.
We honor Judge’s legacy of commitment, creativity, dedication and loyalty each year as scholarship applications from they youth within our industry’s families submit their applications. Each year a minimum of $1500 will be awarded. We’re proud to boast that through the generosity of our donors we have been able to offer multiple awards each year since launching the program in 2018.
Scholarship Donations
We urge our current LILWA members to continue supporting this noble cause and send your annual contribution in today. The generosity of all donors will be recognized in our Summer Newsletter.
If you would prefer to mail us a check, please click on the image to download and print. Forms and donation checks can be sent to the address listed on the form.
Scholarship Applications
We encourage college bound candidates to submit their applications for consideration in this year’s awards. Applicants must be a member of LILWA, family member of a LILWA member, employee of a LILWA member, or direct family member of an employee. Don’t miss out on this member benefit opportunity.
All applications should be postmarked by April 30, 2024. Winners will be awarded at the June 2024 meeting of the Board of Directors. The generosity of all donors will be recognized in our Summer 2024 Newsletter.